I am a perfectionist, especially when it comes to my expectations for others. You know the type - annoying to know, but grateful for the results. However, for reasons that baffle me, I was unsuccessful in passing on my organizational genes to the next generation. Hence, when I booked our multi-generational summer vacation months in advance, and attempted to create a workable itinerary to utilize every moment to its full advantage, the reception was lukewarm at best.

Finally, 12 hours prior to vacation we had the outward journey and stops worked out.
7.00 am leave home
8.30am breakfast stop
10.00 am beach
2.00 pm arrive at hotel
and that's where it all started to unravel. Here’s what I learned on the way:
Plan: Husband gets up at 5.30 am; goes to synagogue for morning prayers and is home by 6.30 am, ready for us to leave home at 7.00 am
Reality: Husband doesn’t hear his alarm clock and wakes up at 7.50 am; returns home at 9.10 am, and is ready to leave at 9.30 am
Result: Husband is rested and therefore full of energy for the day.
Plan: Stop for breakfast at a shopping center along the way.
Reality: Son #1 and family miss the turnoff and by the time they realize would not be able to make a U-turn for over 10 miles.
Result: We all met for breakfast at a fabulous park, with plenty of shade and a river full of turtles, to the delight of the grandchildren.

Plan: Visit a beach I last visited over 30 years ago
Reality: No shade - this is not where you want to visit at almost midday, in the middle of August.
Result: We discovered one of the most beautiful beaches in Israel; very few people, a lifeguard, and plenty of shade.

The list goes on throughout the trip but for me the real takeaway from all of this is:
Plan - yes, we need to be prepared
Reality - things don’t always go as planned; keep your eyes open
Result - sometimes it's good to be flexible; switch gears. Perhaps plan B is the real plan A
A non-profit fundraising consultant, I have learned there is no such thing as one-size fits all. Each organization has its own dynamic needs and my goal is to help your organization move to the next level and turn your vision into donations. You can contact me at suzanne@suzannelieberman.com; let’s start a conversation.