In previous blogs we looked at the many pieces that need to work together to create the best donation page for your nonprofit organization!

Let’s revisit the top tips we have learned so far:
The header of a donation page must help you gain a donor’s trust and make them feel safe about donating to your organization.
The background image of a donation page must communicate your organization’s mission to donors, and create an emotion that motivates them to give.
The design of a donation page must make things easy to digest, show them where to look, where to read and ensure that people aren’t distracted from giving a donation.
The headline and sub-heading of a donation page must capture the reader’s eyes and pull on their heartstrings.
The intro copy of a donation page must introduce your general value proposition so no one is in any doubt why they should give to your organization and what their donation will do.
The body copy of a donation page must prove your goals are their goals and that it’s their responsibility to take action, to donate and thus change the world.
The call-to-action copy of a donation page must persuade your donors to commit to donating even before filling out the donation form.
However - within these proven tips, there is a lot of room for individuality . . .
Just because a particular phrase or image optimizes one organization’s donation page doesn’t mean it will necessarily optimize yours. You need to not be afraid to test things out until you find what works best for you.
A/B testing is a great way to test out one or more changes at a time, and in future blogs we'll discuss this in more detail.
Here’s some further reading on optimization of donate pages:
Each organization has its own dynamic needs and my goal is to help your organization move to the next level and turn your vision into donations. One way is via crowdfunding. One of the services I offer is by partnering with CauseMatch and I would love to see if crowdfunding or one of is the right choice for your organization, or how I can help with other fundraising support. You can contact me at; let’s start a conversation.